British crown coins minted from 1965 to 1981

In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the rarest British crown coins minted from 1965 to 1981 by The Royal Mint  including their mintage numbers.

Collecting British crown coins can be an exciting and rewarding hobby. However, it’s essential to know which coins are the rarest and most valuable to enhance your collection.

British crown coins minted from 1965 to 1981 in order

  1. 1965 Winston Churchill Crown Coin (Mintage: 9,640,000)

One of the most sought-after coins is the 1965 Winston Churchill Crown Coin. Struck in honour of Sir Winston Churchill, this coin features his portrait on the obverse side. On the reverse, you’ll find the iconic British coat of arms. Although 9,640,000 of these coins were minted, their significance in history makes them a collector’s dream.

  1. 1972 Silver Wedding Anniversary Crown Coin (Mintage: 7,452,100)

In 1972, a special crown coin was minted to commemorate Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip’s 25th wedding anniversary. This coin showcases a double portrait of the royal couple on the obverse side. The reverse side features the image of St. George slaying a dragon. With a mintage of 7,452,100, this coin is highly prized among collectors due to its unique design and historical importance.

  1. 1977 Silver Jubilee Crown Coin (Mintage: 37,061,160)

To celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s Silver Jubilee in 1977, a commemorative crown coin was minted. Featuring a portrait of the Queen on the obverse side, the coin’s reverse side depicts a symbolic design with a royal orb, sceptre, and a stylized crown. Despite having a relatively high mintage of 37,061,160, this coin remains popular among collectors due to its historical relevance.

  1. 1980 Queen Mother’s 80th Birthday Crown Coin (Mintage: 2,812,000)

Issued in honour of Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother’s 80th birthday in 1980, this crown coin features her portrait on the obverse side. The reverse side showcases the Windsor Castle, the Queen Mother’s residence. With a mintage of only 2,812,000, this coin is considered rare and valuable to collectors.

  1. 1981 Royal Wedding Crown Coin (Mintage: 26,773,600)

British crown coins minted from 1965 to 1981
Lastly, the 1981 Royal Wedding Crown Coin commemorates the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer. This coin bears a dual portrait of the royal couple on the obverse side, while the reverse side features St. Paul’s Cathedral, where the wedding took place. Although 26,773,600 of these coins were minted, they remain popular among collectors due to the widespread interest in the royal couple and their wedding.

In conclusion, these rare British crown coins minted from 1965 to 1981 offer collectors a unique opportunity to own a piece of history. Whether you’re an experienced numismatist or just starting your collection, these coins are sure to be a valuable addition.

Check these out on Ebay now

UK Commemorative Crown 1980 Queen Mother's 80th Birthday

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UK Commemorative Crown 1981 Royal Wedding Charles / Diana

£1.99  (1 bid)
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UK Commemorative Crown 1977 Royal Silver Jubilee

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UK Commemorative Crown 1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

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UK Commemorative Crown 2007 Queen's Diamond Wedding

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King Charles 50 pence Coin UK Rare, no crown on his head and no date

End Date: Thursday May-02-2024 10:29:57 BST
Buy It on eBay for only: £2,000.00
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