When people think about which types of rare coins might be the most widely sought by coin collectors, they normally think of hammered coins. However, milled coins (where the coin was mechanically struck and the edge marked with some form of edging or design in order to prevent ‘clipping’ where people clipped off part of the precious metal whilst retaining the spending power of the coin) are also widely collected. The most interesting eras of milled coinage are the early period from around 1662 to 1816, and from 1816 – 1837. Milled coins did not completely replace hammered coins until 1662 but you do find milled coins dating from up to circa 100 years before this. The process of marking the edges was called graining and is still in use today (not that the modern base metals from which coins are struck are worth anything as scrap!)
If you collect rare British milled coins then you’re in the right place. Here we have collected the very best milled coin sales and auctions from around the world all in one place, all on one page. Boost your milled coin collection whether you collect pristine rare and expensive coins, or if you collect cheaper worn examples. We cater for the whole spectrum of milled coin collecting here for the discerning numismatist.
First off here are the highest priced rare early milled coins as listed in the UK. These originate from around c.1662-1816.
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