1907 Edward VII Coin

1907 Edward VII Coin

Welcome collector of rare coins to the rare coin collecting window on the worlds biggest rare coin marketplace. Below are the results of our search for 1907 Edward VII Coin.

1907 Edward VII Coin

Below are the rare coins for sale that should match your requirements based on the keywords that you entered which were as follows: 1907 Edward v11 Coin.
If you see too few items then please resubmit your keywords.

If you see too many listings then please try to make your search words more specific and try again (for example by entering the name of the coin, perhaps the monarch and where necessary, country where the coin was struck – i.e. Stater Greece.)

We also suggest using the country name – for example Spain not Spanish because most people listing coins for sale tend to use the country name when they list.

Your search for 1907 Edward VII Coin brought up the following coins for sale:

Get more information by clicking on the title.

[phpbay]1907 Edward VII Coin,12[/phpbay]

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We hope you have found a good deal on coins relating to 1907 Edward VII Coin today at Rare British Coins.

Three Farthings Coin

Three Farthings Coin

Welcome rare coin collector to the place where coin collectors fill their collections. Here is the results of your search for Three Farthings Coin.

Three Farthings Coin

Below are the rare coins for sale that we think will be of interest based on the keywords that you entered which were as follows: Three Farthings Coin.
If you get too few items then please rethink your your coin search.

If you see too many irrevant items then please try to make your search words more specific and try again (for example by entering the name of the coin, perhaps the monarch and where necessary, country where the coin was minted – i.e. Stater Greece.)

We also suggest using the country name – for example Italy not Italian because most people listing coins for sale tend to use the country name when they list.

Your search for Three Farthings Coin brought up the following coins for sale:

Get more information by clicking on the title.

[phpbay]Three Farthings Coin,12[/phpbay]

Let your friends know where they can find the best rare coins for sale by Tweeting about us.

We hope you have found a good deal on coins relating to Three Farthings Coin today at Rare British Coins.

George Ii Coin

George Ii Coin values

Welcome rare coin collector to the rare coin collecting window on the worlds biggest rare coin marketplace. Here are the results of your search for George Ii Coin.

George Ii Coin

Here are the rare coins for sale that we found based on the rare coin search terms that you entered which were as follows: George Ii Coin.

A search for George Ii Coin brought up the following coins:

What are you George II coins worth? Take a look at the examples below to get a good idea.

[phpbay]George Ii Coin,12[/phpbay]

Please share the page with your friends by using our social media buttons.

We hope you have found some available coins relating to George Ii Coin today at Rare British Coins.

Half Groat Coin

Half Groat Coin

Welcome fine coin collector to where there are rare coins from around the world for sale 24-7. Here is the results of your search for Half Groat Coin.

Half Groat Coin

Here are the rare coins for sale that we found based on the keywords that you entered which were as follows: Half Groat Coin.
If you see too few items then please broaden your your coin search.

If you see too many listings then please try to make your keywords more specific and try again (for example by entering the name of the coin, perhaps the monarch and where necessary, country where the coin was minted – i.e. Stater Greece.)

We also suggest using the country name – for example England not English because most people listing coins for sale tend to use the country name when they list.

Your search for Half Groat Coin brought up the following coins for sale:

Click any link below to find out more about the coin offered.

[phpbay]Half Groat Coin,12[/phpbay]

Let your friends know where they can find the best rare coins for sale by Tweeting about us.

We hope you have found a good deal on coins relating to Half Groat Coin today at Rare British Coins.

Decimal Coin

Decimal Coin

Welcome numismatist to rare British coins. Please find the results of the search for Decimal Coin.

Decimal Coin

The following are the rare coins for sale that should match your requirements based on the keywords that you entered which were as follows: Decimal Coin.
If you find that there are too few items then please rethink your keywords.

If you see too many items then please try to make your keywords more specific and try again (for example by entering the name of the coin, perhaps the monarch and where necessary, country where the coin was minted – i.e. Victoria Sovereign.)

We also suggest using the country name – for example England not English because most people listing coins for sale tend to use the country name when they list.

Your search for Decimal Coin brought up the following coins for sale:

Click any link below to find out more about the coin offered.

[phpbay]Decimal Coin -pre -nuphil -note,12[/phpbay]

Don’t forget to google+ us!

We hope you have found some interesting coins relating to Decimal Coin today at Rare British Coins.

Queen Elizabeth II Gratia Regina coins

Queen Elizabeth II Gratia Regina coins

Queen Elizabeth II Gratia Regina coins

Welcome collector of rare coins to the home of rare coin collecting. Here is the results of the search for Queen Elizabeth II Gratia Regina coins.

Below are the rare coins for sale that should match your requirements based on
the words that you entered which were as follows: Queen Elizabeth II Gratia Regina coins.

If you get too few items then please broaden your search terms.

If you see too many listings then please try to make your search words more specific and try again (for example by entering the name of the coin, perhaps the monarch and where necessary, country where the coin was issued – i.e. Cartwheel Penny.)

We also suggest using the country name – for example England not English because most people listing coins for sale tend to use the country name when they list.

Your search for Queen Elizabeth II Gratia Regina coins brought up the following coins for sale:

[phpbay]Elizabeth gratia Regina,12[/phpbay]

Let your friends know where they can find the best rare coins for sale by Tweeting about us.

We hope you have found some perfect coins relating to Queen Elizabeth II Gratia Regina coins today at Rare British Coins.

Guinea coins

Guinea coins

Guinea coins were minted in the between 1663 and 1813.  It was the first English machine-struck gold coin, originally worth one pound sterling,  equal to twenty shillings; but rises in the price of gold caused the value of the guinea to increase, at times to as high as thirty shillings; from 1717 till 1816, its value was officially fixed at twenty-one shillings. Following that, Great Britain adopted the gold standard and guinea became a colloquial term.

The name came from the Guinea region in West Africa, where much of the gold used to make the coins originated.  Although no longer circulated, the term guinea survives in some circles, notably horse racing,  and in the sale of rams, to mean an amount of one pound and one shilling (21 shillings) or one pound and five pence in decimalised currency. The name also forms the basis for the Arabic word for the Egyptian pound, as a sum of 100 qurush (i.e., one pound) was worth approximately 21 shillings at the end of the 19th century.

What are Guinea coins worth?

Guinea coins still capture the imagination of most coin collectors who dream of finding a hoard of these beautiful golden coins. It is a particularly attractive coin and one that few coin collectors will ever actually own (not least due to the ever rising value of gold which is putting many rare gold coins out of the reach of coin collectors).

Please see below for guinea coins current value information.

Guinea coins for sale

[phpbay keywords=”guinea coin” num=”200″ siteid=”15″ sortorder=”PricePlusShippingHighest” templatename=”columns” columns=”2″ itemsperpage=”20″ paging=”true”]



British coin sets

British coin sets

British coin sets have been issued for centuries and are very popular amongst rare British coin collectors. Coins sets may be issued as commemorative sets – for example, for a coronation or important jubillee or royal wedding. They are also issued as maundy money sets as well. Every year the Royal Mint also produces collectors coin sets which are popular as souvenirs with visitors to the UK. As well as coin sets featuring common coinage, there are also fine gold coin sets and proof sets minted which are extremely valuable and sell for large amounts of money. Whatever your budget, see below for an interesting selection of British coin sets for sale.

British coin sets

Click on any listing to read the full description.

[phpbay keywords=”coin+set” num=”200″ siteid=”15″ sortorder=”PricePlusShippingHighest” templatename=”columns” columns=”2″ itemsperpage=”20″ paging=”true”]

We hope you have found a British coin set to add to your collection today.

Victorian silver coins

Victorian silver coins

Victorian silver coins are keenly collected. They may include sixpences, shillings, florins, crowns, half crowns and even maundy money. Silver has become very valuable in recent years and so coin collectors are now having to compete with metal speculators on the rare coin marketplace! See below for some fine Victorian silver coins for sale.

Victorian silver coins

[phpbay keywords=”victorian silver coin” num=”200″ siteid=”15″ sortorder=”EndTimeSoonest” templatename=”columns” columns=”2″ itemsperpage=”20″ paging=”true”]

Remember to take into account the grade of coin as well as it’s scarcity before buying. We hope you have enjoyed viewing the Victorian silver coins on offer today.


Victorian Double Florin

Victorian Double Florin

The silver Victorian double florin coin was minted during Queen Victoria’s reign. It is larger than a single florin, as you would expect, and was minted in silver. The high spot value of silver has meant that the silver double florin is popular both for its intrinsic silver value, as well as being an interesting rare British coin in its own right.

Victorian Double Florin for sale

[phpbay keywords=”double florin” num=”200″ siteid=”15″ sortorder=”EndTimeSoonest” templatename=”columns” columns=”2″ itemsperpage=”20″ paging=”true”]

Add a fine Victorian double florin to your rare coin collection today. Don’t forget to tell your friends where you saw them!

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