1977 Silver Jubilee Coin

1977 Silver Jubilee Coin

1977 Silver Jubilee Coin for sale – or find out what your 1977 Silver Jubilee Coin is worth. Peopel of a certain age will almost certainly remember this particular jubilee more than many because it triggered a tremendous response across the UK and the commonwealth. There were street parties all of the UK.  It’s hard to believe just how popular an occasion the Queen’s silver jubilee was at the time but it was a massive event. I remember having a fantastic street party where I was brought up and people who never mixed normally were all out having a drink, playing football, singing along to the radio and generally having a great time. I remember it was also a really nice day which also helped to get everyone out and involved.

Whenever you have a massive event like a silver jubille, you inevitably get a raft of memorabilia offered for sale. A lot of this is, of course, generally tat. However I’d imaging that there are still a lot of people with silver jubilee mugs in their cupboards and even more with a 1977 Silver Jubilee Coin tucked away in a drawer somewhere. I’m sure we were given one either at our street party or maybe by my school. Needless to say, a lot of these were struck, so the regular edition of the 1977 Silver Jubilee Coin is not remotely rare. However, if you have an unusual edition or a precious metal special version, then that might be different. There were solid silver crowns made, and those are the most sought after.

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