Table Tennis 50p Rare British Coins
Find out about Table Tennis 50p here including value, rarity, demand and availability. Specialising in rare quality coinage and bank notes from Britain and around the world including gold and silver coins and tokens
The Table Tennis 50p coin was minted as part of the London 2012 Olympics series. Not only do I play table tennis in real life (that’s when I’m not typing out pages on Rare British Coins), I was actually AT the London Olympics with tickets for the mens and womens finals. I got lucky in the ballot – possibly coupled with a slight lack of demand because while table tennis is still a very popular sport, it doesn’t tend to get a lot of mainstream media coverage anymore and while there are still local leagues everywhere, they are a shadow of what they were thirty years ago. Leagues near to me now have, say, two divisions of eight teams, whereas thirty years ago they might have had six divisions of 10 teams each. So it was nice to see table tennis recognised as a featured sport for this famous UK coin series – which do still crop up in your change now and again – that’s if you are still using cash when you go to the shops!
Table Tennis 50p for sale – or find out what is my Table Tennis 50p worth.
The following are hard to find and valuable coins that we found based on the rare coin search terms that you entered which were as follows: Table Tennis 50p.Is there a rare coin in your pocket now? Many collectible coins are currently in general circulation so you should check to see if you have something rare or unusual in your purse or wallet every time you get some change.
What is a Table Tennis Olympic games 50p worth?
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